Center Terms and Policy
Participant Agreement, Agreement to Indemnify, and Risk Acknowledgement
In consideration of the services of Expansion Core Inc (hereafter, “EC”), as well as its agents, officers, participants, consultants, employees, and all persons or entities acting in any capacity on EC’s behalf (hereinafter collectively with EC referred to as “Learning Center "), I now agree to release and discharge the Learning Center on behalf of myself, my children, my parents, my heirs, assigns, representatives, and estate as follow:
1. I acknowledge the activities of the program(s) provided by or at the direction of the Learning Center (or this “Program”) entail known and unanticipated risks, which could result in physical or emotional injury, paralysis, death, or damage to my child, to property or to third parties. I understand that such risks cannot be eliminated without jeopardizing the essential qualities of the Program. To minimize those risks, I agree to follow all safety requirements and make use of any safety equipment provided.
- Nature of activities.
- Latent or apparent defects or conditions in equipment or property supplied by the Learning Center or third parties.
- Use of property or equipment supplied by the Learning Center or third parties.
- Acts or omissions of other participants in this Program, employees, or agents of the Learning Center
- My child’s own physical condition, or own acts or omissions.
- Conditions of the Learning Center facility and surrounding grounds or terrain and accidents connected with their use.
- First Aid emergency treatment or other services.
2. I expressly agree to accept and assume all the risks existing in this Program, on behalf of myself and my child. My child’s participation in this Program is purely voluntary and I elect to allow my child to participate despite the risks.
3. Both my child and I agree that when he or she is participating in the Program, he or she will cooperate promptly and fully with all directions of Learning Center personnel. We also agree that my child will follow the Program and all Learning Center Rules and Regulations (as may be updated by the Learning Center from time to time), and all applicable local municipality, County of Nassau/Suffolk, New York State, and Federal laws, rules, and regulations as may be promulgated from time to time. We understand that my child’s failure to behave appropriately may result in expulsion or termination from the Program and/or further services or programs of the Learning Center.
Children shall:
A) Adhere to all Program and Learning Center Rules and Regulations (as may be updated by the Learning Center from time to time).
B) Attend the Program on a regular basis.
C) Adhere to all guidance and direction given by Program and Learning Center staff.
D) Participate in mandatory daily health checks, including but not limited to, a questionnaire, conducted by Learning Center staff.
E) Perform hand hygiene immediately upon entering Learning Center facilities.
F) Perform hand hygiene upon arrival to the Learning Center facilities, to the first Program activity, between all Program activities, after using the restroom, before eating, and before departing the last Program activity.
G) Do not bring toys and electronic devices from home unless requested by staff for program purposes.
H) Respect all children and staff of the Learning Center and at Learning Center facilities.
I) Respect the property of the Program and Learning Center facilities.
J) Notify a Learning Center staff member immediately regarding any issues involving safety or
compliance with these rules.
K) Leave the building at dismissal. Wait quietly in the lobby if waiting for an escort.
L) Walk safely in the building and speak in an appropriate tone and volume.
As an Expansion Core Learning Center Student, I shall and agree to:
A) Use only polite, kind words.
B) Always listen to and respect the Learning Center staff.
C) Treat all equipment and supplies with proper care and respect.
D) Respect others and their property.
E) Always keep my hands and feet to myself.
F) Always ask permission before leaving the assigned Learning Center area.
G) Not fight, bully, or tease others.
H) Follow the Learning Center schedule.
I) Not chew gum or eat candy.
J) Always resist peer pressure.
K) Take responsibility for my actions.
L) Always resolve conflict nonviolently.
M) Respect other people’s cultural/racial/ethnic background.
N) Always help others when they need help.
O) Always tell the truth.
P) Always clean up after myself.
Q) Be proud of who I am.
R) Report all issues to Learning Center staff immediately.
S) Not use personal electronic devices (Phones, Tablets, Handheld) during class.
I understand and reviewed the Learning Center’s hours of operation and am fully aware of the Program my child will be attending. Each Program’s daily schedule is determined by the Learning Center’s Coordinator and is posted in the facility. Programs include education and recreational activities that necessitate continuous and involved participation. Due to the demand for registered spots the Learning Center programs, consistent attendance is required. The following attendance rules and regulations apply to all Programs:
A) The parent or legal guardian must provide a copy of your child’s academic learning schedule with this application.
B) If a child is going to be absent from the Program, the parent or legal guardian must call 2 hours before class time and inform a Learning Center staff member. Failure to do so with forfeit the student from makeup classes.
C) If a child is absent for three consecutive Program days without notifying the Learning Center staff, a staff member will call to check in and will reserve a spot for another child in that Program if there is a waiting list.
D)If a child is absent for six consecutive Program days without explanation, staff will assume the parent or legal guardian no longer wants the child to be a part of the Program and will give the spot to a child on the waiting list. The parent or legal guardian will be notified.
E)If a child is going to be picked up early or needs to leave early, the parent or legal guardian must notify the Learning Center staff immediately.
A) Prior to arrival each day, screen your child’s health. The Learning Center staff will screen your child’s health if not done so prior to arrival at the facility. Participants must pass the health checks determined by the Learning Center staff, daily, to be admitted into the facility. Parents/Legal guardians agree to their child participating in mandatory daily health checks conducted by the Learning Center staff.
B) Learning Center staff will perform random health checks of children in the Program, including, but not limited to, a questionnaire and/or temperature checks. Parents/Legal guardians agree to the random health checks of their child conducted by Learning Center staff. If the Learning Center staff determines that your child is sick, your child will not be permitted to enter the Learning Center facilities or will be required to be picked up from the Learning Center facilities and your child will not be permitted to return until back in good health and a medical note is provided.
C)Parents/Legal guardians will not be granted access to the facility. Sign in and out practices will occur outside of the facility. Parents/Legal guardians must practice social distancing and face covering rules, as determined by the Learning Center staff.
D)Children must be signed in and out of the Learning Center facilities by a parent, legal guardian, or designated individual indicated in the registration package when arriving and leaving the Learning Center facilitates.
E) Designated individuals may be asked to show identification upon picking up the child. The child will not be permitted to leave the Learning Center facilitates with anyone who is not indicated as a parent, guardian, or designated individuals in the registration packet and without proper advanced notification or without optional safety password. The Learning Center Coordinator must be notified by parents/legal guardians by telephone of any changes in the regular escort of the child.
F) The parent or legal guardian must authorize if their child (usually only those in grade 6 or over) is allowed to sign him/herself out at the close of their Program.
G) Children cannot leave the Learning Center facilities with an adult who is not designated by the parent or legal guardian unless the parent or legal guardian lists this person in their registration form.
H) The parent/legal guardian or one of the authorized persons above must pick up the child no later than 15 minutes after dismissal. Picking up the child late more than 3 times may result in suspension from the program and incur late dismissal fees, as determined by the Learning Center Coordinator.
1.I understand that Program consists of activities that include but not limited to laboratory experiments, usage of tools under supervision, and physical activities. My child and I understand that my child is responsible for their own behavior and agree that they will only participate in the activities that they feel comfortable engaging in.
2.I understand that participation in the Program and use of the Learning Center’s materials, equipment and facilities is at my child’s own risk. The Program, Learning Center’s materials, equipment and facilities are provided “AS IS” and “as available” for your child’s participation and use, without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, unless such warranties are legally incapable of exclusion. Your child's individual results and duration to achieve them will vary. Results from participation in the Program are not guaranteed.
3.I understand that the Learning Center will not cover any medical expenses due to injury through my child’s participation in the Program or use of the Learning Center’s materials, equipment, or facilities.
4.I hereby voluntary release, forever discharge, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Learning Center from any and all losses, expenses (including attorney’s fees and expenses),claims, demands or causes of action which are in any way connected with or arising out of my or my child’s participation in this Program or use of the Learning Center’s materials, equipment or facilities, including any such claims which allege negligent acts or omissions of Learning Center staff except if such claims, demands, or causes of action arise out of the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Learning Center staff.
5.Should the Learning Center or anyone acting on its behalf be required to incur attorney’s fees and costs to enforce this document, or any Learning Center document signed on behalf of my child, I agree to indemnify and hold them harmless of all such fees and costs.
6.By signing this document, I acknowledge that if anyone is hurt, or property damaged during my child’s participation in this program a court of law may find me to have waived my right to maintain a lawsuit against the Learning Center on the basis of any claim from which I have released them herein.
The trademarks, service marks and logos used and displayed on in Program or Learning Center materials, equipment or facilities (collectively, “EC Materials”) are either (a) EC’s, or its subsidiaries’ or affiliates’, or (b) another party’s registered and unregistered trademarks. All trademarks and service marks of EC, or its subsidiaries or affiliates, that may be referred to on EC Materials are the property of EC, or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates. Other parties’ trademarks and service marks that may be referred to on EC Materials are the property of their respective owners. Nothing on EC Materials should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any license or right to use any of EC’s, or its subsidiaries or affiliates’, trademarks, service marks or copyrights without EC’s prior written permission. EC aggressively enforces its intellectual property rights.